Decisiveness - Spotted Wintergreen
Decisiveness - Spotted Wintergreen
When it comes to making changes to our health and wellness practices, sometimes the most difficult thing to do is to make the dedicated decision to simply get started. Resolutions aside, cultivating willpower is a choice all too easily influenced by not only our bad habits, but the habits of those around us.
Spotted Wintergreen (Chimaphila maculata) decorates the forest floor of the sleepy winter woodlands of Appalachia with its dense, evergreen leaves. Once it makes the choice about where and how it wants to thrive, it toughens up and sticks to it. We made a flower essence from Spotted Wintergreen to mirror these sentiments in ourselves. If you have difficulty making decisions or have difficult decisions to make, this essence will lend you strength. For those who have trouble 'taking action' without the permission of others.
Ingredients: Alcohol (brandy), flower essence.