
Ohio Free Herbal Clinic

"Having access to herbs to help ourselves should be considered a human right, just like having access to food, shelter, or clean drinking water." - Erika Galentin, Clinical Herbalist


Please note that places are still available on the 2024 waiting list. If you are interested in being placed on the 2024 waiting list, reach out via the form below and indicate in your message that you are hoping for a waitlist session. You will also be provided with 2025 session options at that time.

At Sovereignty Herbs we strongly believe that all people, regardless of their financial situation, should have access to the tools they need to achieve wellness. We offer no-fee consultations and a discount on herbal teas and tinctures for individuals who may not be able to afford the full price of a private consultation.

Please note that appointments to the Ohio Free Herbal Clinic are available for online consultations only. You do not need to be a resident of Ohio to attend if you have access to the internet and a device that has video capabilities.

These consultations will also be able to provide students training to become clinical herbalists an opportunity to gain clinical experience. In order to subsidize this service, along with Erika Galentin, MNIMH RH you may also have clinical herbalist trainees sitting in on your consultation.

We offer these appointments and discounts on herbs based on the honor system. If you are interested in seeing an herbalist but are not sure you can afford a private consultation, please fill out the form below and let us know which dates you would be able to attend.

The following form will submit an email to us about your interest in attending the Ohio Free Herbal Clinic. You will NOT be added to any newsletters or marketing lists. We will only use this information to schedule your Ohio Free Herbal Clinic appointment. Please add to your safe contacts list so we don’t end up in your spam folder.

2025 clinic dates
(By appointment only)

January 15
February 12
March 12
April 9
May 7
June 4
July 9
September 10
October 8
November 5
December 3