Sovereignty Herbs

BRUSH UP ON YOUR BOTANY! Next up in the Clinical Craft Series: BOTANICALLY SPEAKING with Steven Yeager, Tuesday, 4/22 5PM EST ~ Click here for more info!

Erika Galentin’s Herbal Philosophy...

Dear Prospective Clients & Students, 

I am writing to introduce myself and take a 'heart on my sleeve' opportunity to personally share with you my herbal philosophy as the foundation of the herbs & wellness services I offer to my clients which is also reflected in the clinical training and mentorship opportunities I have available for those of you training to become clinical herbalists. 

One of my mottos at Sovereignty Herbs is 'plants change lives' and for many people this may not make a lot of sense. What could I possibly mean by that? The truth is when it comes to health and wellbeing, many people find themselves in state of helplessness, hopelessness, and disempowerment. Maybe you feel lost, at the mercy of others, disenfranchised, or misunderstood, with no clear guidance or tools at hand for self-care. These can be desperate times.

I firmly believe that learning how to safely incorporate herbs, nutrients, nourishing foods, and lifestyle practices into your daily routine is a path of transformation and traveling this path is a human right, for all people. In fact, that is how the name 'Sovereignty Herbs' was born; it is a reflection of my belief in your personal ability and responsibility to be your own sovereign, to forge your own path and take back control over your health and wellness to the fullest extent possible.

I also believe that herbs are not magic answers for all of your life's ills. In fact, when it comes to being well, it will be YOU that does most of the work. You will need to be prepared to make some changes. This might mean letting go of nagging bad habits, reinvesting your time and energy, and creating new daily routines. But let's face it, change can be, really hard. Believe me, I am on my own path of healing and understand first hand how difficult change can be.   

And no two people are the same. Being well is not an assembly-line experience. Just because your buddy or a blogger on the internet is telling you that certain herbs, nutrients, or lifestyle practices worked for them, does not mean that these tactics are best suited to your situation. The natural products industry doesn't make this any easier on you either...they are very good at marketing their products to you with a 'one-size fits all' and 'magic-bullet' approach. This approach can be tempting...and incredibly expensive. You could spend hundreds of dollars on fancily formulated products, experimenting on yourself and never really getting anywhere.

This is where I come an educator and herbalist, my job is one of guidance and education.  We will work together to find tools that are appropriate for you. I am are here to support you, so that you are not alone in overcoming your wellness challenges.

My clinical education, experience, and knowledge are based in both science and tradition. Much of my herbal and clinical rationale is derived from the past and present Physiomedical philosophy, with utmost faith placed upon vix medicatrix naturae, or the healing power of nature. I see the human body as possessing a vital integrity and intelligence with inherent integrative, reconstructive, and resistive tendencies. I do not see it as a broken-down machine, lacking the savvy for self-repair; given the right set of circumstances, the right nutriment and encouragement, the human body, your body, is capable of amazing things.

Thanks for taking the time to 'hear' my voice. Please be sure to check out my 'Frequently Asked Questions' tab for more information about herbal consultations. Also be sure to check out my events calendar for up and coming classes and workshops in Athens, Ohio and beyond. If your questions are still not answered, feel free to reach out to by email! I’d love to hear from you.

For the love of the plants,
Erika G Galentin, MNIMH RH, Clinical Herbalist