Infections are very common, and it is helpful for the clinical herbalist to know an array of plants that can support the body through bacterial and viral infections and strengthen immunity. Some of the infections we will discuss are staph, strep, and respiratory viruses. During this workshop, we will also explore a number of medicinal plants and preparations, including Japanese barberry, Yarrow, Echinacea, and Myrrh. The goal of this class is to give clinically oriented herbalists the tools to support clients through acute stages of common infections.
7Song has been enamored with nature since a youngster in the NY suburbs looking for salamanders and turtles in the woodlots between the homes and highways. For the past 35 years, he has lived near the ruralesque town of Ithaca, NY, where he has run his herb school, The Northeast School of Botanical Medicine, since 1992. He is also one of the founders and a clinical herbalist at the Ithaca Free Clinic, which opened its doors in 2006. One of his goals is to help make herbal medicine more accessible and affordable.